36 Haden Hill Road HalesowenB63 3NQ

Terri and Amy have passed!


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Back in March, Amy and Terri sat the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses Certificate in Dental Implant Nursing. They’ve both had their results today and they’ve both passed!

This qualification will enable them to assist Manoj more thoroughly than ever before with the planning, placement and aftercare of all implant related treatments.

Implant Dentistry is a highly advanced, specialised dental skill which is now a widely available treatment across the UK and overseas. It combines surgical skills with restorative expertise to help rebuild the dentition. Some examples of damage could be due to trauma, caries or malignancy. These cases require meticulous planning and exacting standards to ensure an optimum result for each patient.

Well done ladies. We’re all super proud of you!

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